Archive for April, 2006

Chris Cope ROOLS!

April 11, 2006

Helo welcum to my bloge. This bloge wil be about mi best frein, frende, mate Chris Cope.

He is a famus ritter in Amurca.

He has a bloge too. It is gud.

Look at his bloge.

Hear is a pitcher off me and Chris that I drawed.

Me and Chris

That is me and Kris. His is tall and big becoz he is from Amurca.

I am small.

Chris likes Whales. He tells peeple he can talk to Whales. They think he is funy when he makes his Whale talk.

I seen Chris write a leter to sum Whales once and it was worst than how I rite. He did not use bowels at all and two manny leter whys.

I hope U like my bloge about Chris becoz he sed he wud pay me munny if I wrote gud tings about him.